Halewood Town Council strives to ensure the involvement of residents in decisions that may have a direct impact on their lives, believing this makes for an empowered and strong community. Citizens of Halewood are never shy of making their views known and have succeeded on many occasions in changing plans or approaches that would impact adversely on the township.
The Town Council has and will continue to consult the community regarding its significant plans or developments. We will aim to undertake consultation in ways that are meaningful and inclusive for the community and, dependent on the issue being consulted, will stage consultations over many weeks using different formats.
Any consultations we run will be hosted here and we will always post a report on the completion of a consultation and after sharing findings with Town Councillors.
GREEN SPACES: In June 2023, the council agreed to the development of a strategy to seek improvements to the ways it manages the 7 Parks and Green Spaces for which it holds leases. The consultation exercises with residents will begin from 25th September. Ahead of that, here is the council’s statement regarding the commencement of consultation on the Green Spaces: Green Spaces Statement June 2023
BANKING HUB: The council continues to seek the views of residents regarding the loss of banking facilities in, and within walking distance, of the township. A copy of the survey for residents to complete and return is available at the link here: Banking Hub Survey
The Banking Hub Survey will conclude on September 10th 2023.
ARNCLIFFE REFURBISHMENT: In the summer and early autumn of 2022, the Town Council consulted the community on its plans for the refurbishment of The Arncliffe Centre, and residents’ views on council priorities for services. The consultation was undertaken in collaboration with the organisation ‘Placed’, the report can be viewed here: Consultation Report: Arncliffe 2022
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Through 2019 and 2020, with interruptions caused by the Covid-19 crisis, Halewood Town Council undertook consultation on its proposals to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for the township.
The initial Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Survey can be viewed here: Survey for N Plan
The findings of the consultation can be viewed here: Halewood Neighbourhood Plan, Summation and Analysis of Survey Findings