Halewood Town Council holds a number of meetings to help drive its business.
Monthly Town Council meetings (also known as ‘Ordinary Meetings’) are open to the public and are the main forum for decision-making. There are occasional ‘Special Meetings’ and ‘Extraordinary Meetings’ that are also called, usually to deal with specific items of urgent business.
The Town Council established a ‘Policy & Finance Committee’ in October 2019. Given the significant amount of business items generated following the 2019 Election, Councillors voted to create this Executive Committee with delegated powers to make decisions. All Town Councillors are entitled to attend the ‘Policy & Finance Committee’.
The Council also has two Advisory Groups to assist with driving its core business. Both of these groups will have a membership of both Town Councillors and non-elected Community Members after the Annual Meeting in May 2020. The two groups are:
The Community Engagement Working Group – A key priority for the new Council elected in May 2019 was to increase engagement with the Halewood Community. The Working Group seeks to deliver this ambition.
The Steering Group for the Neighbourhood Plan – Halewood Town Council has received approval (from Knowsley MBC) to devise a Neighbourhood Plan. The Steering Group will assist the Town Council with delivering this vision. To know more about the purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan please follow the link here: