Hollies Playground Closing Time

We are advising residents/parents that Hollies Playground must be closed each evening no later than 7.30pm. However, to support the work of our keyholders who open/close the park on behalf of the council, we further advise the closing time may be undertaken earlier than this on occasions between 6.30pm and 7.30pm (dependent upon weather and other factors).

We appreciate this may be disappointing to some families who would use the park in the early evenings, especially when the weather is nice in our township. However, the playground and the area around Hollies Park has once again been beset by incidents of anti-social behaviour causing stress to local residents and requiring the attention of the Police. The council has also been required to fund repairs to equipment in the playground because of damage caused through this anti-social behaviour.

It is always a difficult balance between the needs of children/families in accessing free, stimulating play experiences and the peace and security of residents who live near the park. We know we get this right most of the time but, when problems arise, they are understandably stressful for those living close to the issue and costly in terms of interventions from the Police, Council staff or local Councillors. Halewood Town Council therefore makes a further plea to the young people involved in causing these problems, and their parents/carers, to be mindful of the impact of their behaviour.

We hope residents understand the reasons for this communication and will support our decision.