Halewood Town Council Grounds Maintenance Contract (Invitation to Tender)

Halewood Town Council is inviting tenders for its Grounds Maintenance Contract.

The tender specification will be available from Tuesday 24th October 2023. The council is requesting the commencement of the service from 1st April 2024.

It is the responsibility of all Tenderers to ensure their tender is delivered no later than 12 noon on Thursday 7th December. The Town Council will not consider tenders received after that time.

Tenderers should note that the delivery of tender documents should be either hand-delivered or by post clearly marked ‘Confidential – Grounds Maintenance Tender Document’ in a sealed envelope to:

The Town Manager and RFO

Arncliffe Sports & Community Centre,

Arncliffe Road,


Knowsley, L25 9PA

If you would like more information, please email the Town Manager at gerry.allen@knowsley.gov.uk  with your query or to arrange a discussion.

Gerry Allen                                                                                        13th October 2023

Town Manager