Halewood Town Council has established its ‘Community Hub’ at The Arncliffe Centre and is working with a number of partners to support the needs of residents across the township. The main function of the ‘Community Hub’ is to act as; a venue for emergency food support, a link for volunteers supporting the wider community, also as a reliable source of information for the precept payers of Halewood.
The Town Council is working directly with the principal authority, Knowsley MBC as part of a co-ordinated response to community needs. Our ‘Community Hub’ is therefore linked to the main Knowsley Volunteer Hub, to help achieve this co-ordinated response and ensure no one in Halewood is missed out if they need support. As part of this arrangement, the hub is now a local point for the Knowsley Foodbank for the receipt of deliveries and distribution, to those who need support. We are also liaising with several fantastic community organisations and individual volunteers, who simply want to make a difference at this time of national emergency.
Town Council staff and Councillors are also active in delivering the response. In addition, our website and social media platforms will regularly post useful and reliable information to help keep you and your family safe.
Here are some important numbers and details:
Halewood Community Hub (Arncliffe Centre)
Tel: 07756 080888
Email: Halewoodcommunityhub@outlook.com
If you live in Halewood, please use these numbers or email address to request assistance or notify us if you can offer support. We may also be able to signpost you to immediate sources of support in your neighbourhood or street.
Knowsley Council – 0800 073 0043
This is to help all Knowsley residents who need additional support during the outbreak, also coordinate offers of help for those who are wanting to volunteer their time or services.
Halewood Community Hub
Halewood Town Council has established its ‘Community Hub’ at The Arncliffe Centre and is working with a number of partners to support the needs of residents across the township. The main function of the ‘Community Hub’ is to act as; a venue for emergency food support, a link for volunteers supporting the wider community, also as a reliable source of information for the precept payers of Halewood.
The Town Council is working directly with the principal authority, Knowsley MBC as part of a co-ordinated response to community needs. Our ‘Community Hub’ is therefore linked to the main Knowsley Volunteer Hub, to help achieve this co-ordinated response and ensure no one in Halewood is missed out if they need support. As part of this arrangement, the hub is now a local point for the Knowsley Foodbank for the receipt of deliveries and distribution, to those who need support. We are also liaising with several fantastic community organisations and individual volunteers, who simply want to make a difference at this time of national emergency.
Town Council staff and Councillors are also active in delivering the response. In addition, our website and social media platforms will regularly post useful and reliable information to help keep you and your family safe.
Here are some important numbers and details:
Halewood Community Hub (Arncliffe Centre)
Tel: 07756 080888
Email: Halewoodcommunityhub@outlook.com
If you live in Halewood, please use these numbers or email address to request assistance or notify us if you can offer support. We may also be able to signpost you to immediate sources of support in your neighbourhood or street.
Knowsley Council – 0800 073 0043
This is to help all Knowsley residents who need additional support during the outbreak, also coordinate offers of help for those who are wanting to volunteer their time or services.