Green Spaces in Halewood

At the council meeting of 15th June 2023, Halewood Town Council approved a project to develop a ‘Green Spaces Strategy’ for the parks/green spaces it manages. For the attention of residents, this is the following locations: Arncliffe Playing Fields, Doorstep Green, Elwyn Gardens, Frederick Lunt Field, Hollies Field, New Hutte Woods and Wood Road Field.

Initial work has now commenced on this strategy, and this will build on the excellent work undertaken by Halewood residents as part of the Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan project. Our expectation is that we will consult on this work with Halewood residents in the autumn of 2023. This the aim of the strategy, as shared at the council meeting last month:

Halewood’s parks and open spaces are the green lungs of our township, providing many benefits for residents and visitors. These range from providing opportunity to exercise, to socialise, to partake in sport or for the personal endeavour of self-reflection and peace. Our parks are capable of more, however, with a collective vision and investment in their future.

To establish a collective, non-political vision for its parks and green spaces, Halewood Town Council intends to consult widely with residents, local stakeholders and other partners to deliver a set of objectives aimed at securing a sustainable future for these beloved spaces. This will build on work undertaken as part of the council’s Neighbourhood Plan in recent years, and the strong sentiments expressed through the Halewood political arena.

The consultation will help deliver a set of objectives designed to improve all park settings managed by Halewood Town Council, underpinned by a vision and a list of ambitions which the council will aim to deliver over the next ten years with the support of Knowsley MBC and other partners. This will become the ‘Green Spaces Strategy’ for Halewood Town Council.


Please look out for further posts regarding the Halewood Town Council ‘Green Spaces Strategy’ or talk to one of your elected Town Councillors.

Knowsley Council Consultation

Knowsley Council has recently launched its own Green Spaces Consultation for Halewood. The focus of this consultation, however, is the parks/green spaces that it manages in the township. You can find out more about this consultation, how to get involved, or complete an online survey here: Knowsley Council Consultation

As a Town Council we are seeking dialogue with the borough about a township-wide approach to Green Space maintenance and improvements. As a Town Council we recognise the importance of a positive relationship with the borough in securing a collaborative vision for Parks and Green Spaces in Halewood.