Town Council Meeting – Transport Update

Halewood Town Council is delighted to welcome Cllr Liam Robinson to its next meeting on Thursday 18th November. Cllr Robinson is Steve Rotherham’s (the Metro Mayor) lead for Transport and Air Quality.

Given the understandable public interest in this issue, the meeting will commence at 6.30pm with up to one hour dedicated to Cllr Robinson’s presentation and questions from Town Councillors. In advance of this session, questions are invited from members of the public, but must be logged with the Town Manager by 6.30pm on Tuesday 16 November. Residents are reminded that this is not a Public Meeting, this is a normal Town Council meeting with residents in attendance and permitted to ask questions via the meeting Chair.

In addition, and because we anticipate the public interest in this meeting, a limit of 40 members of the public will be admitted to the meeting to comply with building health and safety regulations. To request a place, please contact us in the following ways:


Telephone: 443-2063

Places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve basis’ to the first 40 people requesting a place. There will be no admittance to persons who have not registered a place in advance of the meeting.


Gerry Allen

Town Manager