Halewood Town Council Meeting – 18th July 2024
Gilly Hodgkinson, Town Manager DATED: 12th July 2024
Agenda: HTC Ordinary Meeting:
A reminder to residents that questions for Public Forum must be logged with the Democratic Services and Administration Officer by 5.00pm on Monday 15th July 2024 stating the theme of your question. Please send your proposed question/comment to: sue.edwardson@knowsley.gov.uk or by calling 0151 443-2063
This meeting is open to the public
Please note that the Public and Press are invited to attend the above meeting under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1, as extended by the Local Government Act 1972 s.s 100 & 102.
Knowsley Local Offer
We’re pleased to share KMBC’s new Knowsley Local Offer to make more families aware of what support is available in the borough with SEND. Knowsley Council have worked with the students at Alt Bridge school who helped to design the leaflet.
What is the Local Offer?
Every Local Authority must publish, in one place, information about provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0-25 who have SEND (Special educational needs and disability).
Please could you share this with anyone who may find it helpful.