Town Council Meeting – 17th February


Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7.00 p.m. at The Arncliffe Centre, Arncliffe Road, Halewood

GERRY ALLEN, TOWN MANAGER                             DATED: 11th February 2022

Agenda: Town Council Meeting Agenda for 17 Feb 2022

A reminder to residents that questions for Public Forum must be logged with the Town Manager by 7.00pm on Tuesday 15th February via: or by calling 0151 429-1929.

Residents are able to attend this meeting in-person. However, due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus, meeting attendees are encouraged to consider the following guidelines for the meeting:

  • If you or anyone in your household have any symptoms (i.e. high temperature, continuous cough, or changes to sense of smell or taste), please do not attend the meeting, and get tested.
  • Please sanitise your hands on arrival at the meeting.
  • Whilst a face covering is no longer mandatory, this is an indoor gathering in Winter and we would ask that you wear a mask as you access the centre, and for any movement you may have through the building.
  • Please note that fire doors may be open through the meeting for the purposes of ventilation, and dress accordingly.

Please note that the Public and Press are invited to attend the above meeting under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1, as extended by the Local Government Act 1972 s.s 100 & 102.