Halewood Town Council:  As anticipated, due to yet more cuts by Central Government, having lost £75,000 over the last five years, we no longer receive any Council Tax Support Grant. Nevertheless as Council of the Year 2017, Members of Halewood Town Council remain strongly committed to improving services for our community. 

Reluctantly therefore, even though in total terms our precept income will fall by £11,000, the Town Council has resolved to increase the precept in 2018/19 by 2%;  the equivalent of an extra £1.41 per year at Band D. 

This increase, a little over 2.5 pence per week, sees Halewood still with the lowest level of Town Council precept in Knowsley and despite the cuts, will enable the Town Council to continue to provide high quality services for the residents of the Township. Further information is available at www.halewoodtowncouncil.gov.uk.

George MacKenzie

Town Manager