Covid-19 Information for Halewood & Knowsley

For the latest government advice on keeping yourself safe, follow the link: Hands-Face-Space

For up to date information on the spread of the virus to a local authority level the link below from the BBC provides daily, accurate information. You are simply required to type your postcode into the search engine provided at the site: Latest Coronavirus Information

At a Halewood level we  aim to provide accurate, local information for the benefit of residents. The most recent data from Knowsley Public Health derives from November 15th. It can be viewed in the link here: Ward Level Infection Rates

The information clearly highlights that both Halewood North and Halewood South have high infection rates compared to many wards across the borough. This IS a public health crisis and we reiterate our statement to please follow government and public health advice for the common good of all across Halewood.